Vinyl stickers available! Request HERE.

Vinyl stickers also available at Audaciese Vanille!

Vinyl stickers also available at Audaciese Vanille!


Millions & Millions & Millions of Bunnies

Watercolour & Prismacolor Premier pencils

Fabriano Artistico 100% cotton hot press paper 140lb/300gsm

8” x 10”


I wanted to do something similar to my Millions & Millions & Millions of Cats artwork, and with spring around the corner at the time, I decided the subject would be bunnies!

I loved having fun with form, colour, and facial expression when making these. Apparently everyone else liked them too, because they were such a big hit when I posted them that I had immediate requests for stickers!

For Easter, the vegan Verdun bakery Audacieuse Vanille sold the entire collection of stickers at their shop.